how to add TIM.Translator to your project
Last updated
how to add TIM.Translator to your project
Last updated
Odin inspector is really important part of all my assets. Just because it helps me to create functional and convenient inspectors really fast. So Translator is not an exception and it requires the presence of Odin in the project.
You can find Odin inspector asset here
Download .unitypackage file and import it into your project
TIM.Translator uses Google Translator service for cloud translation. This means that you need to have Internet connection to translate a text. But Google Translator isn't free! So you need to add Google API key to use a translator without limitations.
When you got an API key, open Translator window: TIM > Translator
And enter API key here:
Для разрабов из Octo Games:
попросить API ключ и Odin Inspector можно в Discord у любого из них:
TIM#4316 - я
zucc_zucc#6678 - Макс
Bubble Gum#5289 - Ден